Caring for Futureglass contemporary glass furniture is easy and doesn’t take long, so you can spend less time on maintenance and more time on the important things. For clear or unfrosted glass we recommend that you use the soon to be commercially available Futureglass Glass Cleaner, however most professional grade cleaning fluids should work perfectly for your contemporary glass furniture.
First ensure that any dirt or grit is removed from the glass surface (wiping the surface whilst grit or dirt is present could lead to scratches) using a rag or kitchen roll.
Next apply the cleaning solution to the glass, making sure to follow the instructions detailed on the bottle, then take a CLEAN, DRY tissue or paper towel and wipe the glass surface, this removes the dirt held by the solution from the pores of your glass furniture and leaves your furniture looking sparkling clean.
The Futureglass glass cleaner contains a solution specially designed to go into the pores of your glass furniture and makes it more resistant to fingerprinting.
And that’s it, it really is that simple to care for your Futureglass products, so you can be sure that they will always be looking their best, however if you do have any further questions about maintaining and cleaning your contemporary Futureglass products then please don’t hesitate to contact us.