What is ISO 9001:2015 and How Does It Affect Your Products?


What does ISO 9001:2015 mean?:

Futureglass is proud to be able to say that it adheres to ISO 9001, this is accreditation means a lot to us. It is a way of us being able to show you that we care not only about ourselves, but the people who deal with us as well. ISO 9001 is being updated, meaning we have to update our practises with it in order to keep our accreditation. This is something we are more than happy to do. But what does this new update mean? every so often ISO 9001 is updated to reflect the rapidly changing world. The core values remain the same but their methods and practises are modernised to reflect the growing changes in technology, business diversity and globalisation. From the year of publication of the new standard, we have a 3 year transitory period to reflect these changes in order to keep our accreditation. ISO accreditation is voluntary and not government mandated, and so we don’t see the point of waiting to update, we want to be at the very forefront of progress, so we can provide the best service and products to our customers. The key changes in ISO 9001:2015, according to the organisation’s website, relate to:

“ISO 9001:2015 is even less prescriptive than its predecessor, focusing instead on performance.

Knowing that today’s organisations will have several management standards in place, we have designed the 2015 version to be easily integrated with other management systems. The new version also provides a solid base for sector-quality standards…and takes into account the needs of regulators.”(read the full article here.)
The reason we take these standards so seriously is because we are committed to excellent service. We want to be able to show you proof that our products are of a high quality and that we are a company who can be trusted.

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